Buying a house can be an expensive exercise, so now is a good time to start thinking about the different costs that may arise. The good news is that any fees charged by your lender are often quite modest compared with the government charges.
In any case, your local express Mortgage Market adviser can give you an accurate estimate of your total likely costs, and show you how to minimise those charged by the lenders. Here are some of the major costs to consider:
Lender fess:- Application Fee
Valuation Fee
Lender’s Mortgage Insurance Premium (for loans greater than 80% loan-to-value ratio)
Government charges
Stamp duty on the purchase (may not apply for first home buyers)
Stamp duty on the mortgage (in some states)
Stamp duty on the Lender’s Mortgage Insurance (if loan is greater than 80% of property value)
Mortgage registration
Other Costs
Conveyancing – your legal fees
Financial advice
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